Sunday, July 18, 2004

yay pilates! boo running!

another missed sunday... got too caught up doing things today ("caught up" is more like laziness, actually) so i didn't go meet my brother today. *sigh* it's ok, though... i went shopping and purchased a yoga mat and pilates ball workout set. yay! pilates all the way, baby. so onto newer ventures in pilates... i'm really impressed with the results i've had so far (which i'm assuming is also due to my change in diet). even today, my mom said i looked a lot slimmer. that's the first time i've heard that in a while. :-P so yay, pilates!

other wonderful news, the bike has been finalized for the birthday present and will be added to the sunday workout sessions with my brother. so hopefully by the fall i'll be set with that as well. woo hoo! on my way to the ironman! lol... just kidding. i'll be happy hitting the new york city marathon at the age of 30 - 2 years ahead of my brother. ;-)


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